Thanks to The Girl Who Loved To Write blog for drawing my attention to this challenge. I really like this idea. For me, the end of the year is usually kind of a spiral into “whatever, it’s the holidays!” With holidays and traveling, my goals are usually put on the back back burner during this season. But what if they weren’t? What if they were the on the FRONT burner?

I read Rachel Hollis’s Girl Wash Your Face and liked it a lot. Review here.

Sign up for the challenge here.

What if I cared about all of my goals and wanted to make these last 90 days the BEST of the year?



1. Get up an hour earlier to use the time for YOURSELF

I’m all about this one. I have been looking for time to write, blog, read etc. My daughter is waking up at all hours of the morning (4am, 5am, 5:30am, etc.) so it’s not as reliable as I need it to be so I’m going to alter this one. I’m going to commit to ONE HOUR EVERY DAY for me. Whether that’s in the morning, in the evening after she goes to bed, or using my lunch hour. ONE HOUR. I can do a lot in one hour.


2. Workout for 30 minutes every day

This is really hard for me because again, baby and 1.5 hour commute. But I’m going to try really hard to stick to it. Even walking for 30 minutes a day in the morning would be amazing (and more than I’m doing now.)


3. Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water each day.

I have been trying to focus more on drinking water. It’s helped with my energy and losing weight so I’m going to keep this one up!


4. Give up one food category you know you shouldn’t be eating.

I can’t give up sugar, cause you know, HOLIDAYS. and I’m not stupid. But I can give up donuts. It sounds weird, but my office really has a thing for donuts. I like donuts but I find myself eating loads of them even when I’m not interested because They’re THERE! Not anymore. While I’m at it, I’ll also give up ANY OFFICE TREAT. That’s right. Anything that someone brings into the office to share aka get out of their house, I will say no to. I don’t even like most of it and my waist won’t miss it.


5. Write down 10 things I’m grateful for every single day.

This will be really good for me and also plays into the Self Journal I’m about to get which makes me write down five grateful things every morning and evening.


Are you interested in doing this challenge? I am stoked!

I also want to point out that because of my Self Journal, I will also be focusing on three very big goals. More on that soon!