Beat The Backlist Challenge 2019 – UPDATE

Guys, guys, guys, I’ve been doing pretty well!

Mid-year is here! I can’t believe we are halfway through 2019. Most resolutions are long gone, but I have been trying to keep this particular one in view. Last week I did an UPDATE on the Modern Mrs. Darcy challenge I’m participating in. You can find that here.

If you remember, the idea of this challenge was to get through my backlist while not incurring MORE physical books to my To Read Pile. Well, that didn’t work but I can’t say I’m sad about it. I have been much more choosey when I do purchase a new book, and a lot of the if-y ones, I borrow from the library.

JOY! So far, I’ve read these backlist books:

The Afterlife of Holy Chase

Made You Up

The Wicked King


The Bear and the Nightingale

The Girl In The Tower

Pivot Point

Split Second

Sea Witch

The Winters

The Shock of the Fall

A Murder In Time

Head On

How to Talk So Kids Will listen, Listen So Kids Will Talk

The Alchemy of Forever

The Iron King

The School of Good and Evil

That’s 17 books!

But then I bought these books:

So I guess it all evens out.

For the second half of the year, I’m going to focus on this challenge even more. It looks like we may be moving (gasp!) sometime in the next couple of years and the one thing I hate hate hate is moving books.

How are your challenges for 2019 going? Do you have any you’re succeeding on or failing at? I’m doing a little bit of both. 🙂