October 2018 Recap!

by | Nov 1, 2018 | Miscellaneous | 2 comments

First off, how was your Halloween? It’s my favorite holiday. Give me a holiday that includes free candy, costumes and lots of wonderful decorations and I’m All. Over. It.

My daughter had a Halloween party which was both madness and success! We decorated pumpkins, had tacos and basically played until the cows came home. (Or it got to 8pm and all the kids had bedtimes.)

Here are some pics from our party.


Books Books Books

I did buy Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody, because I am a Jessica Brody fan and because I was interested in the topic. I also purchased two graphic novels Monstress Vol. 3 and Saga Volume 9

I also broke down and finally bought the box set of The Broken Earth trilogy by N.E. Jemisin. The first two have won the Hugo Award and the rumor is that the third will as well. (!!) So while I’m not buying full series anymore without reading the first one, I’m very confident I’m going to love this trilogy and probably need the next one soon after the previous one.

Overall though, not too bad!

I have to admit, I was on the waiting list to see Sarah J. Maas at our local bookstore Vromans. But I was like number 1,000 and yeah, didn’t get in. It bummed me out for a bit I’m not gonna lie. Luckily, book club was that night so I got to have a beer and hang out with some lovely bookish ladies.



Honestly, I haven’t been knitting.

I can only say that 1. Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas came out and that took up all my free time for like a week and a half (no joke). I didn’t write or blog or anything. Just read read read. So no knitting either.

I did buy though this. And I’m so excited for it to come! OMG OMG it’s like Christmas. It’s a Llamacorn! I mean, come on. You know I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE. And now, maybe you do too!

The other thing is that I was insanely focused on decorating and planning our Halloween party. Now that is over, I think November will be the month I get back to knitting!



I’m feeling okay. I only had one bought of anxiety and it wasn’t severe. I have been eating a ridiculous amount of cookies and chips this last week. (I blame the party planning) but I’ll be back on track again very very soon. (Mostly because there won’t be any more cookies left.)

The party is over and I’m already thinking about planning another party next year. I mean,I have all the stuff, right? Would be a waste! šŸ˜‰

Also, here is my new support animal.

Sure, he’s a fossilized dinosaur that roars and snaps his jaws. But my daughter and I love him and he’s here to bring us smiles and (somewhat dangerous) hugs. Best thing I bought at CVS all year.



I’m not going to lie. It was really challenging trying to not create more clutter when shopping for Halloween items. I only bought a couple of big items and the rest I made. I also bought things that I took up small space so I wouldn’t feel guilty about keeping them for next year.


And having nothing to do with Hygge, but making me feel all warm and cozy:

Here is a brain cake from a local bakery Sweet Lady Jane. I didn’t get it for the party… but I almost did. šŸ™‚

Yum! Brains never looked so delicious. I might have to rethink my stance on ZOMBIES!




How was your October? Looking forward to November! I have big plans for productivity for November. Fingers crossed!