Another month down.


I’m in a strange reading slump. While I’m enjoying A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab, I’m having problems reading at night. I’m too tired, too many chores to do, etc.  So days and days have gone by with me reading this book, but not getting far. I do want to finish the trilogy. Lately I would rather watch tv at night and rest (Ragnarock is on repeat at the moment) than read.

My lovely friend Laura got me a gift card to our local indie bookstore Vromans. I went on Mother’s Day husband and daughter and got the LAST signed copy of Christopher Moore’s Noir (which I was dying for) and Suitors and Sabotage. I’m a fan of author Cindy Anstey  and I’m really looking forward into diving in that one. I have no guilt because I had a gift card. I did buy a couple of books for my daughter while I was there, but I didn’t go crazy and I walked away feeling very proud of myself for not going nuts in a bookstore and also very satisfied with my purchases. I also broke down this month and got the last book in the Falling Kingdoms series Immortal Reign.

So even though I was clearly not on a very good book diet this month, I don’t feel guilty about the books I chose to buy. It’s because I put real thought and time into choosing them and they were not impulse buys.



Hmph. I guess it’s a good month to fix things but the journey of fixing things kinda sucks.

Anyway, this month I really started planning for losing weight again. I’ve been stagnant and lazy and honestly, I’m kinda tired of being fat and not being happy with my body. I’ve gone back to WW to start.  Daily Harvest is starting in June and I’ll let you know how that is. I’ve ordered smoothies because I find myself hungry by the time I get to work at 10am, and end up eating something bad like a muffin.

We’ve also started with Munchery which I really like. The portions are on the smaller side but so far the food has been super fresh and delicious.

I also bought one book and journal called Eat Pretty. I really am enjoying them so far. They’re not groundbreaking, but easy to read and for some reason, the message is finally getting through to me on this. I’m limiting dairy, gluten, carbs, caffeine, alcohol, sugars, you know, all the fun stuff. On the upside, I haven’t had any severe stomach problems or sharp gas pains in my chest so I must be allergic/sensitive to something on that list. I’m hoping the scale will move too.



I finished the color tipped scarf from PurlSoHo this month. I added two transitional sections because I wanted to use more of the colored yarn and I think it came out looking nice. I sent it to my Mom for Mother’s Day. It’s getting hot over there on the East Coast but it will be a good thing to look forward to using in September when it cools down!

Soon after finishing it though, I started this beautiful cowl kit I got from Must Stash Yarns.  But half way through the month I developed a pain in my left wrist, running down my fingers. I haven’t been able to knit and I’ve been trying to pick up my daughter with my other arm (I’ve researched everything from carpal tunnel to mommy thumb) and while it’s gotten better, it’s not fully healed. I may start knitting again this week but maybe on a project that has thicker yarn and bigger needles so there’s not as much strain on my hands.



Not much going on on this front. I’ve been very good about buying only things I really really want, reducing the amount of clutter coming into the house. I’ve also managed to start another giveaway box of books!

In May I was really mindful about how I wanted my home to feel.  I have been trying to put away items when I’m done, especially clean laundry and keeping the kitchen spotless before going to bed. It’s helpful but alot of extra work. I find myself gravitating towards the library, trying to declutter even more. But the sad truth is that the only thing left to declutter are books so I suppose I just need to read faster.

Hope everyone ‘s May was wonderful! 🙂

Onto June!