Books Books Books!

I am not going to count the four books I bought for my daughter. (Cause they were gifts, right?) And so I did really well in August. I bought one book to go in a friend’s care package (“You Are A Badass”) so that also doesn’t count and only one book for me. Girl, Wash Your Face – I’m not super into Self Help books but this one has been everywhere and I was curious.

I also read 4 review books this month.

I’m going to count this month as a big success!



The pain in my wrists is still going on, so I’m taking more breaks while knitting. I’ve also noticed that I need to knit with thicker yarn. I love sock and fingering weight yarns, but at the moment, they’re causing me some problems so I always have a thicker project on the needles now when I want to knit for a longer. So far it’s been good.

I finished the Honey Cowl by Antonia Shankland in Bay Street Yarns. It’s for my daughter when she’s older. But she keeps eyeing it and asking for it now. It’s too hot in Southern California and it’s too big for her but maybe I’ll save it for a sooner birthday (like 5 or 6) instead of what I originally planned (13 or 14)



I’m doing really really well with decluttering. I donated clothes and toys and didn’t bring any new items into the house. I did buy two new work outfits and they were on sale!

I also took two books and my daughter and I visited our local Little Library outside her daycare. We dropped them off in the little house. She loved it! We didn’t pick up any books to take home, but she loved the act of sharing books in the little house.

I’m also thinking about house plants. Because… I mean, house plants. You know? ‘Nuff said. I read a Lagom this month and it got me thinking again about how I want my house to look. And let me tell you, it’s not the way it looks now. So this has given me new inspiration on decorating and decluttering. I did buy some plants for the house and I’m hoping and wishing and praying I keep them alive. They’ve really pretty and I have a black as night thumb so…


We’ve recently gotten back from a trip to the beach with my parents! The weather was beautiful, the place we rented was amazing and we all had a lovely time. Especially my daughter who was heartbroken when Grandma and Papa had to leave. I had been looking forward to this mini break for a while and it did get me to relax and enjoy some slower days, less driving and more reading!



I’m happy to say I’m doing better at this too! I’ve had some sad stomach issues this month and have to really watch what I eat. I’m feeling better and now I’ll do almost anything to not feel that sick again. So goodbye a lot of fun foods (especially sugar) and hello more vegetables. I’ve also been going to a lot of classes this month and I’m really proud of myself. It’s been really good for my mental health and I’ve felt stronger and skinnier (not weight wise but inches wise). Let me tell you that I really want to look like Elena  or Caroline from The Vampire Diaries (youthful, beautiful and healthy!) so that’s what’s on my vision board. To look like an eternal kick ass flawless vampire! 🙂

The anxiety has been kept at bay but this is an everyday challenge. I went out with friends last weekend and had a wonderful time, had one drink and didn’t feel sick. Win Win.



And I’m happy to say that I’ve started writing again. I kept giving myself excuse after excuse but really, it’s my own fault for not making it a priority. And let me tell you guys, it’s HARD. It’s hard to find the time when I want to go read. It’s hard to get up early or stay up late and try to be creative. It’s hard to find the words and the time and the energy. But I did it a little bit. And it sucked! My writing was shit. Crap. Dog poop. And I’m so proud of myself for getting back into it. It can only get better from here!


How was your month?