I’m in this so I’m a little focused at the moment on my To Read Pile. As in, super focused/obsessed because I want to whittle it down to only 20 books (yes you heard that right!)

I know it seems impossible at the moment, but I’m very hopeful I can read a lot of my physical books this year. Not all of them, of course not! Don’t be ridiculous!

But a good amount. Especially because my attention span and patience isn’t what it used to be.


  1. Ripper by Stefan Petrucha This book has been staring at me for the longest time and I’ve only been staring back! This month, I’m diving into this dark thriller. I’ve had it forever too so there’s no excuse!

2. Suspicion by Alexandra Monir

I didn’t like her debut, but anythign tempting with the phrase “Like Rebecca” as in Daphne du Maurier’s Rebeeca will hook me. I have a lovely signed copy, saving it. But I think it’s time I started. Cause what’s the point of saving a book if you don’t love it?


3. Noggin by John Corey Whaley

Another signed hardcover that I had wanted so badly to read when I got it and then promptly forgot about in the new book buying frenzy. This book sounds hilarious and I really enjoyed his first book.

4. Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas

I know I know I’m late to the party. But I haven’t been anxious to read this one because I am in the minority and didn’t like the second book. So while I’m interested in seeing what happens, I wasn’t dying to open it up. That said, the characters and world are fading so I better get to it soon otherwise I’ll be reading the entire series again!

Also this one is so big I might save it for the end of the month. It usually takes me a good week or so to read a Maas book!

5. Half Bad by Sally Green

The trilogy sits there, waiting for me to open it. I’ve heard mixed things and I always give myself the excuse that I should read it around Halloween. But really, there’s always a good time to read about some witches, some magic and some danger.


1. Shine Shine Shine by Lydia Netzer

The interesting premise grabs me every time I read the synopsis but something just stops me short from opening it. No longer! I will be reading this this month as well! I’m really anxious for some adult books mixed in with my YA.


2. Hugo & Rose by Bridget Foley

This book is something funny. My daughter loves the color of the cover so much, she immediatley gravitates towards it and runs around the house with the hardcover. I have to admit it’s a beautiful color, and she’s cute doing it. But I need to read this on the sooner side before she destroys it by accident!

3. The Hanged Man by P.N Elrod

Psychic Service in England? Sign me up! I bought this when it first came out and it’s been years now. No excuses!!

4. A Gathering of Shadows by Victoria Schwab

This is the middle book in the trilogy and I really enjoyed the first one. Why I hadn’t picked up the second yet I don’t know. But I’ll be moving this to my nightstand this month!

5. The Rabbit Back Literature Society

There’s something charming about the synopsis for this book. A missing member of the book club? Mystery? Secrets? Sign me up!


Do you have any older books you’re anxious to read?