21468416Title: The Last Good Knight, Part 4: Fit to Be Tied

Author: Tiffany Reisz

Publisher: Harlequin Mira

Publication Date: May 2014

Genre: Adult Fiction/Erotica

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Part 4, Serial




Synopsis can be found here.
I received a copy of this book from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.



And that kinda broke my heart a little bit. Not going to lie.

Nora and Soren have a fight on her front porch, Lance gets some much needed attention and the bad guy is caught!

The threat is eliminated, which is good, but I wanted more story with that. I know it’s a vehicle to throw Nora and Lance together, but in the end, it seemed a little thin. I mean I get it. But I would have loved a little bit of a longer explanation, or some kind of dangerous confrontation. But maybe I’ve been reading too many romance thrillers as of late.

That was the only disappointing thing in this installment. I am serious when I said a conversation between Soren and Nora broke my heart a bit. Knowing the past and future of these two characters makes me feel like I know them. When these uncomfortable and awkward fights come up, they do really twist my gut because fights like these are so realistic and true. It’s always about loving someone but wanting something else, bigger or different. Choosing to leave or regretting what you left behind. That’s why Soren and Nora are so relateable. Because they fight and love (though maybe a little more kinky than most) like normal people.

And of course, the cliffhanger ending I saw coming from a mile away. But I can’t wait to see how it gets resolved! I’m rooting for you Lance!