bltnac12It’s here! The Better Late Than Never ARC Challenge wrap up post for January! If you haven’t signed up yet, you still have time! For the new year, we’re all trying to read our old ARCs, release dates older than 6 months that is.  I’m looking forward to clearing out my Kindle and my physical books.


Might have had a book-quake recently. This is what I call when a pile of books, or more than one pile in this case, come crashing down causing a loud noise and a bit of panic.

You hear it, from the far corner of the home and think the worst. Thankfully, no, it is not someone trying to break into my house.

It is not a stray animal trying to scratch it’s way through the window.

It is a large pile of books domino-ing through the room.

Like so:










In order to avoid this fabulous phenominon in the future, I have vowed to reduce my buying intake as well as read some older ARCs I have, thus minimizing the piles.

So how did I do in January?



January 2014

1. The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe


and friends, don’t forget to SIGN UP!

I’m going to have a huge box of books giveaway open to all who enter. This will probably take place at the end of the year, but may also take place mid-year, depending on how many physical books I get through.

So sign up for the challenge and your chance to enter!