Welcome 2020!

2020 is finally here and a new decade means lots of different things. For some it’s about new beginnings and change. Resolutions and new promises. It’s that for me too, and slightly more.

Sure, my resolutions include the normal items like lose weight, eat better, get more rest. But it’s also about continuing the things that really worked for me in 2019.

This pic is our bunny Carter celebrating the New year 2020!

It’s not only about beginnings

In 2019, I started WW, which I will continue to use until my goal weight is reached. (Lost only 2 pounds but I consider that a win considering it was during the week of Christmas.)

I also continued my book diet, focusing on buying books only from favorite authors. I also bought a lot of eBooks the reduced the physical clutter around my house.

In 2019, I also focused on older review books and wiping out old requests both digital and physical. It’s amazing to see that number in NetGalley go down down down. There were books from 2013 that, I’m sorry, I’m just really not going to get around to reading. I did that with my physical books too, going through and giving away books that I won’t be reading anytime soon. This created a lot of space in my home and my heart.

I also began focusing on my list of To Do Somedays. I started ice skating lessons (omg, I am really not good at all and need to learn how to stop). They are challenging and good exercise, but also really satisfying to me because I’ve always wanted to learn to ice skate ever since I was little.

I was also very successful with reducing clutter, purging old and unwanted items and being selective with the items I bring into the house. This has also reminded me frequently of how lucky we are and how grateful I am for this life, right now.

That said, I’m very grateful for the afternoon downtimes I’ve instilled in our family. It’s been really nice to not schedule anything so we can all be together, take care of household things and be homebodies. I wish I had done it sooner!

I also need to finish some crafting projects like knitting and sewing related. I have lots of WIPs and I want to finish them and move on! So this year I’ll be focusing on finishing up on those projects before I start new ones.

The last thing I’m going to continue going into 2020 is my therapy for my anxiety. I know mental health can be a hot topic, but it’s really important especially for all care givers, that we are taking care of ourselves as well as our dependents. My therapist has greatly impacted my life for the better, giving me tools I need in order to cope with my anxiety and prepare for attacks when I’m out. I am very thankful for her and all of the work we’ve accomplished together as well as looking forward to seeing what we can do in 2020.

2020 is Today

I need to make more time for myself to do personally satisfying things, even though I’m really tired at night. I want to start playing piano again for one. I did play earlier tis week and let me tell you, it was so not good. I want to get better. I miss it.

I’m also going to sign up for a language course this year. I’ve always wanted to learn a second language. I did Spanish in school (I was awful) and took French for a while before we went to Paris, but that was years ago (pre-baby) and I want to start again. (French or sign language being my possible choices at the moment)

Blogwise, I really need to get back to scheduling posts in advance. This means reading more review books and looking ahead in my scheduling. I used to do it, but got too busy to really focus. This year, I want to spend more time blogging because I want to, because I like it. And not because I have to, or feel like I need to for the reviews.

That’s it!

I hope you have a wonderful New Year and look forward to sharing our experiences!