Review: The Other Side of the Sky by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

The Other Side of the Sky by Amie Kaufman, meagan spooner

on September 2020
Genres: Young Adult
Pages: 432
Format: eBook
Source: Publisher
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3.5 Stars

Prince North’s home is in the sky, in a gleaming city held aloft by intricate engines, powered by technology. Nimh is the living goddess of her people on the Surface, responsible for providing answers, direction—hope.

North’s and Nimh’s lives are entwined—though their hearts can never be. Linked by a terrifying prophecy and caught between duty and fate, they must choose between saving their people or succumbing to the bond that is forbidden between them

Nimh and North are very different characters. One is considered a living goddess, who is trying desperately to figure out a way to save her people. The other is a clever prince who is also trying to figure out a way to save his kingdom. Could they be the answer to each other’s problems?

I’ve been a fan of this duo since These Broken Stars. So I was eager to get my hands on this new trilogy!

There’s a lot to like. The worlds are well described and I felt like I could see the differences between Nimh’s world and North. Also, I liked how different both characters were. North’s character and circumstances added a bit of mystery to the story too which I’m eager to find out about. (Why did his flying machine malfunction?!) And it’s easy to read and quickly to get into.

That said, I had some trouble with the book. I couldn’t connect to either Nimh or North. Nimh is such a tragic figure, not good enough as a goddess, not able to be touched for fear she will lose her magic. She was so sad and lonely and I had hoped that the story would provide her with some spark, some fight. But it didn’t really happen until the end and even then, it didn’t seem really enough. I liked North far more, but he kept flip flopping between being very hurt by this girl he just met and suspicious by her at the same time. And there was some insta-love which annoyed me a bit.

That said, I think it’s the good beginning of the trilogy. And that cliffhanger!