23480844Title: Firsts

Author: Laurie Elizabeth Flynn

Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin

Publication Date: January 2016

Genre: YA Fiction/Contemporary

Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone




Synopsis can be found here.
I purchased this book for review.



Mercedes is a high school student who has an unusual hobby. She has an open door policy for virgins with girlfriends. She wants to show them how to have sex and give their girlfriends a good first time. No one talks about it. Until someone does…

This review is hard to write because the book touches upon so much.

I really liked this book for so many reasons. It touches upon very important topics that girls have to deal with everyday. Peer pressure, sex, promiscuity, boyfriends, assault, parents and love. Flynn does a good job of keeping the topics real and not getting too preachy. Mercedes is such a complicated and flawed and realistic character. I felt strong sympathy for her.

Her first time was not special. And she’s trying, poorly, to prevent other girls’ first times being similar to hers.

I think it’s a very important book to read, especially for girls. So much of what Mercedes does is because she never spoke to anyone about what happened to her. Teenagers can be cruel, callous. She makes some big mistakes, pushes people away, is incredibly vulnerable and strong.  And much of the events that happen in Firsts I can easily see happening in high schools today. I’m old (not that old) but I’m glad I am because I can’t imagine going to high school with today’s technology. It makes my head spin.

The plot is fast and the book is easy to read. I couldn’t put it down and read way past my bedtime.

I think it’s a good book to share, to talk about. I’m looking forward to seeing what Flynn does next.
Rating 8 Cookie Worthy