Review: Bone Parish Vol. 1 by Cullen Bunn; Illustrated by Jonas Scharf

Bone Parish Vol. 1 on May 2019
Genres: Graphic Novel
Pages: 112
Format: eBook
Source: Publisher
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4.5 Stars

A necromantic horror series about an upstart crime family trafficking in a new designer drug that’s just hit the market made from the ashes of the dead.

A new drug is sweeping through the streets of New Orleans—one made from the ashes of the dead. Wars are being fought over who will control the supply, and the demand is rising. While the various criminal factions collide, users begin to experience terrifying visions of the dead coming back to life...through them. Eisner Award-nominated author Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, The Empty Man) and illustrator Jonas Scharf team up for Bone Parish, a haunting blend of horror and crime that takes an unflinching look at how we connect to—and disconnect from—the world around us.

Well…that was good.

I didn’t know a lot before starting in on Bone Parish and I think that’s why I was so intrigued. The family drama takes center stage as different mafia families bid for the attentions of the family’s known drug: a drug manufactured from human corpses.

The premise is interesting and while not a lot of the magic of the drug is explained, I’m not sure if it really needed to be. I like how diverse the cast of characters is, especially the sister who is the brains and creator of the drug. The family is being led by their mother who misses her dearly departed husband, the former leader of their family.

That is, as much as she can miss a being who she still interacts with thanks to this drug.

I do wish we had more info on how the memories are picked and captured. How do they know which bodies to grab? What parts of the bodies make the best memories? This is only volume 1 so maybe these questions will be answered in the future volumes. (2 & 3 are due out later this year.)

The art is mesmerizing, using color and darkness to really highlight the richness of the settings and the gore of the horror. Admittedly, I am not a big horror fan but I really enjoyed Bone Parish because it had the right blend of mystery, horror and noir.

Overall, Bone Parish is an enjoyable blend of family drama, horror and magic. I am eager to finish reading the series and seeing how they all make it out. And who does not.