Giveaway and Review: The Girl He Used To Know by Tracy Garvis Graves

The Girl He Used To Know Published by St. Martin's Press on April 2019
Genres: Adult Fiction
Pages: 291
Format: Hardcover
Source: Bought
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3.5 Stars

Annika Rose likes being alone.
She feels lost in social situations, saying the wrong thing or acting the wrong way - she just can't read people. She prefers the quiet solitude of books or playing chess to being around others.
Apart from Jonathan. She liked being around him, but she hasn't seen him for ten years. Until now that is. And she's not sure he'll want to see her again after what happened all those years ago.

Annika Rose likes being alone.
Except that, actually, she doesn't like being alone at all.

I think I’m in the minority on this one. While I overall enjoyed the book, I didn’t think it was as amazing as it could have been.

I like how more diverse characters are showing up in fiction, especially characters like Annika who it’s easy to relate to. She is kind and brave and easy to root for. I’m not sure how I feel about Jonathan. He’s supposed to be this love of her life, but he’s kinda a jerk.

The story goes back and forth between Annika and Jonathan’s POV as well as present and past, which causes the story to feel disjointed. The chapters are on the short side too so it felt like every time I was finally getting somewhere, it would change and I was back somewhere else. Overall, I didn’t feel like the story progressed smoothly enough for me.

And then the ending… well, it was different than what I was expecting, and maybe not in a good way? Without giving too much away, it just didn’t sit well with me.

This is the first Graves book I have read and I’m open to reading more. I like her writing style and Annika is a character I enjoyed getting to know. That said, I don’t think this was my cup of tea. I’d rather have a little more chemistry, a little more romance. Others have done it better (I recommend The Kiss Quotient.) But I think many will enjoy this story as well.