Thank you to Five Alarm Book Reviews for hosting!

I love Saturdays. I usually try to find some excuse to pop into a bookstore and browse the fantastic covers awaiting me. And Shelf Candy let’s me do it in my bathrobe!


My Shelf Candy for this week is:

The Only Ones by Aaron Starmer
Synopsis can be found here

I love the dark colors and silhouettes of this cover. A strange object in the middle of a square, darkened windows and stores. A black Ferris Wheel in the background. The sky is a rich night blue, with swirls of texture. Add there is the boy, standing in the warm glow. Is he climbing down or has he just climbed up, beckoning to his friends below?
The light is so clear and strong coming from that mysterious place. It’s the ray of hope isn’t it? From what? For whom?

You know you want to know more about it.
I don’t blame you.