15826648Title: Where The Stars Still Shine

Author: Trish Doller

Publisher: Bloomsbury USA

Publication Date: September 2013

Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone

Synopsis can be found here.
I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.


Really well done.

Callie is found, finally, after twelve years of running with her mother. She is taken to live with her father and his new family. But her memories follow her and only when Callie knows she is safe, loved that she can deal with her past.

I am always slightly hesitant to review, given these kinds of subject matters. But I’m so glad I read this book. It’s beautifully written, with rich characters. I loved Callie. She’s damaged and lashes out in totally believable ways. But she’s also a kind and beautiful person. She’s someone you want to be friends with, you want her to trust you. She’s a real, full girl filled with emotion, desires and depth.

Alex is of course a wonderful swoon worthy guy, but he’s more than the cookie cutter shaped cute boy. He’s charming and easy to fall for, but also complicated and sad, battling his own challenges. I love how the relationship develops, first physically and then emotionally. During that age, when hormones are raging, and everything that Callie has gone through, I found it realistic that Callie would use sex as a tool and an escape. She’s had no stability in her life, besides her mom, and while Callie’s actions may seem brash at times, I saw her as another teenager, trying to find love and acceptance but going about it in the wrong way. And then to suddenly be emotionally invested in Alex… but how could you not be? I liked how they slowly got to know each other and how Callie started opening up to him and her family, cautiously at first. Suddenly, she finds roots in this small town. This small town that anyone who has grown up in wants to leave. She wants to stay.

Callie’s new family is wonderful, full of strange dynamics. I liked how there wasn’t any horrible tantrum stuff throwing drama really. She saw what love could do, saw love in this new family. Sometimes books make this section very over the top dramatic, but I loved that Doller kept things loving and sad. It’s how I imagine a real family may respond to the situation- cautiously, scared, afraid but ultimately, trying very hard.

And I loved the ending. I love possibility.

Great book. Great writing.

Don’t miss out on this.

Rating 9 Ridiculously Awesome, like Cookies and Ice Cream