11870085Title: The Fault In Our Stars

Author: John Green

Publisher: Dutton Books

Publication Date: January 2012

Genre: Young Adult Fiction/Contemporary

Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone


Synopsis can be found here.
I purchased this book for review.



Hazel, a terminally ill teenager, meets Augustus Waters at a Cancer Support Group. And nothing is the same again.

I was about a quarter way through when I realized two things- 1) I might have also fallen in love with Augustus Waters. 2) I had a strong feeling that I should probably go to bed because I wanted to read uninterrupted and I had a sneaking suspicion about what was going to happen and wanted to be alone when it did. This could, sadly, be due to the fact that a well meaning, but utterly clueless adult spoiled the ending for me early last year. While I reassured him that I totally knew the ending already (I didn’t and had kept clear of any spoilers til that faithful day), and that he should be a little more careful when describing the book to people (he said he would be), I was deeply saddened that I knew the ending and that now the story might not resonate with me as much. Perhaps that is why it took me so long to read it. I have owned the book since January 2012.

In any event, I shouldn’t have worried. Knowing the ending didn’t detract at all.

I won’t say anything different than what others have said before me, so I will summarize.

Hazel’s wonderful. She’s a free thinking, dark individual whose honest and raw narration is heartbreaking and inspiring.
Augustus is marvelous. He is awkward teenage, lyrical prose romance on paper. He is optimistic and a force.

The story is powerful, emotional and well written. This is by far my favorite Green book. His writing is perfection here, able to describe and summarize the essence of teenagers, love and mortality without being preachy. He doesn’t look down on his readers or characters; he instills a sense of realism, allowing the readers to transport themselves back in time when they were teenagers and feeling everything so acute, so rare, for the first time. And then he cuts your heart.

Well done, Mr. Green.

Thankfully I went to bed. I don’t know how I would have faced the world otherwise.

Rating 10 One of The Best