20409275Title: Improper Proposals

Author: Juliana Ross

Publisher: Carina Press

Publication Date: March 2014

Genre: Adult Fiction/Romance/Erotica

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book Three


Synopsis can be found here.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.



I am always pleasantly surprised by Juliana Ross’s books.

In Improper Proposals, newly widowed Caroline has contacted a publisher to publisher her book on household tips. But Thomas has a better idea. He wants her to write a frank and intimiate book on sex for new wives. Caroline agrees, excited to begin this journey. When Thomas proposes that they cannot hide their physical attractions to each other and wishes them to be lovers, Caroline agrees to this as well. She has sworn off love, ever since her dear husband died. And intimacy with a man, especially one as attractive as Thomas, wouldn’t be a bad idea.

But things never go according to plan and soon enough, the couple may have found what neither of them were looking for. Love.

I loved Ross’s first book Improper Relations and was excited to read this book in the series.

I thought Thomas and Caroline were very well suited. They’ve both had their share of heartbreak, but are stronger for it. They are both lonely and while perfectly plain to the outside world, they both let loose heat and lust in the bedroom.

The romance is slow to build but very loving by the end. I saw Tom clearly, with his rolled up shirt sleeves and ink on his fingers. I saw Caroline less so but I liked her voice and the deep hurt of her losing her husband after a happy marriage. I love how their affair was built on respect and desire and then on friendship and love. I was pretty sad when Caroline decided she had to walk away from Tom. I mean, for such a short book, I shouldn’t have been that sad, but for some reason I was totally invested in them!

It’s a fun, fast read that will get your pulse quickening and your face blushing.

Don’t read it in public.

Rating 9 Ridiculously Awesome like Cookies and Ice Cream