19304924Title: An Heir of Uncertainty

Author: Alyssa Everett

Publisher: Carina Press

Publication Date: March 2014

Genre: Adult Fiction/ Historical Romance

Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone


Synopsis can be found here.
I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.



Lina is woken one morning to be told her new husband is gone, tragically having fallen to his death. The estate, and her title and fortune, pass on to her late husband’s next relative, Win Vaughen. Or at least, it might if Lina has  girl. Lina is pregnant and her baby is the answer to either Lina’s survival or Win’s. But when Lina is almost killed, Win takes it upon himself to ask who would have it in for her- the obvious suspect is himself! Can Win save Lina from a murderer? And what does this mean for his fortune and future?

I am a big fan of Everett’s after having read her other book A Tryst With Trouble. I breezed through this quick and easy book, enjoying the suspense and the attraction between Win and Lina. I have to admit, only towards the end did I suspect who the murder was, and it is a pretty fun twist! The heat builds up but it’s pretty late in the book before anything really happens.  (almost half way!)

Honestly though, I was not a huge fan of Lina. I liked her enough, but it was sad to me that she admitted she didn’t love her first husband and only married him for the money. Although I like this darkness to her character and her brutal honesty (as let’s admit there was not a lot of choices for women at that time), I think it could have been interesting too if she had loved her first husband and that was one of the things she was struggling with, being so attracted to Win so quickly.  She also goes back and forth a lot about her feelings for Win. While I understand her concerns, it was maybe one too many times and the back and forth felt slightly forced, creating tension where there wasn’t any.

Win’s strong and stubborn alpha male character was fun to read, and I liked how chivalrous he was, especially after Lina’s description of her deceased husband. It’s very obvious why she is drawn to Win, who is more of a man and less like a boy.

Overall, An Heir of Uncertainty is a great, fun book. I have plans to re-read it again soon!

Rating 7 Would Recommend