A beautiful month in Southern California. I thought I would start posting monthly updates on my new years resolutions, hoping that it would somehow make me accountable.

Health: Entering into January, I had lost 13.2 pounds total. I’m happy to report that I’ve lost another three pounds so I’m over 15 pounds down!

I also signed up for ClassPass, which is a monthly fee where you can choose to take different classes at different studios for less. It’s gotten me moving again, and has helped with the dreaded commute home. (I usually work out after work to help traffic die down.) It also has got me going to new studios and trying new things, which I love.

Reading: Sadly I haven’t been focused on reading too much, but on a happier note, I haven’t bought any books either. I’m pretty happy at the moment going through my To Read list. Look out for a giveaway soon.

Knitting: I have been knitting quite a bit, including finishing two projects this month already! My goal is 15 project total for the year. I’m working on a hat at the moment, a scarf and starting Blueberry’s second birthday gift. I will admit that instead of buying books, I have bought some needles and yarn this month so I’ll have to be careful next month. The yarn is so delicious though…

Hygge: I went through a 30 day challenge with Master Organizer . It was so helpful!  I’ll admit that it was so satisfying. The best part was going through my kitchen and fridge and throwing out expired foods and using foods I had forgotten about. Tonight I am going to tackle the hall closet.

Tempted: I signed up for Book Blurb, which is a daily email that is sent to me about digital book sales I may be interested. And of course, I am totally interested in them. Luckily, I haven’t bought anything, but it’s nice to see what’s out there.

I had to return a car organizer at the beginning of the month because it didn’t work in my car, and I bought a new one for almost half the price! I feel like this is okay because I spent money on the first one, got a full refund, and then got the one I needed at half the price. So win win for me.


What about your January?