Title: The Agency: A Spy In The House

Author: Y. S. Lee

Publisher: Candlewick

Publication Date: February 2011

Genre: Young Adult Historical Fiction, Mystery

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book One

Synopsis can be found here.

Review:I will be honest. I was hesitant to read this book. I’m not a big fan of historical Victorian England fiction. Perhaps I haven’t read enough of it, or perhaps what I had read was too dry for my taste.

But this book series turned it all around for me.

My friend Alethea at Read Now Sleep Later recommended I read it. Thanks to the powers that be that 1. She knows her stuff! And 2. I listened to her.

This is one of those books secret gems that isn’t widely known, but my friends who have read it all love it. And what’s not to love?
The mystery is rich and thrilling. Mary Quinn herself is multi-layered, full, diverse and complex. And her big secret? Well, I just wish there will be more characters modeled after her in the future! She’s an old soul in a teenager’s body, coming to terms with her past and her future. Facing danger at every turn. And perhaps, falling in love?

The love story isn’t the central storyline in the book, which is refreshing in itself. James is a great companion for Mary and their conversations made me giggle. Tension filled and funny, the chemistry between these two leaps off the page. And James is a great lead male. He’s equal parts intriguing, dashing, funny and strong.

Lee’s writing is so strong, I immediately appear in her Victorian England just by opening the book.

An awesome debut. Book two “The Body At The Tower” is currently out and book three “The Traitor and the Tunnel” will hit shelves in the United States in February 2012. My friend bought book three already, UK edition, from Book Depository. Yeah, she couldn’t wait. That’s how good.

Rating 9 Ridiculously Awesome, like Cookies and Ice Cream