Thanks to GReads for hosting!

The question this week:
When You’re Not Reading: What occupies your time when your nose isn’t stuck in a book?

1. Knitting!

At the moment I’m on a role of knitting baby blankets for unsuspecting newborns! I knit more in the winter than the summer. I have a special place in my heart for wool. I love to hug/buy yarn. I do not make socks. For all you knitters out there, that says alot about me 🙂

This is a scarf I knitted.

2. Music!
I love to write, both music and lyrics. I play guitar, poorly, and piano, even worse. I play along and sing my own stuff and my favorite songs. I went to school to study music, and it still plays a huge role in my life today.

3. TV shows on DVD!
I am impatient in nature so when I watch a show, I want to be able to watch five hours of the show at a time in marathon form. (Eh, hem- Alias) There are some exceptions, but some of my favorite TV shows are: Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Alias, Lost, MI-5, The Office, Oh, I could go on. My newest obsession is The Vampire Diaries.
Yeah, I know.
But once you get into it, it’s damn hard to stop watching!

4. Hanging out with my bunny and hubby. This is a pic of my bunny, investigating Domo.

5. Everything else
I also enjoy napping, making ice cream and sewing. I am not good at sewing yet, but hope to improve.
Most of all, I love shopping for books! I love going to bookstores, discovering new books, reading book blogs and author interviews!

Happy Friday everyone! I’ll be at the bookstore if you need me.