Thank you to Five Alarm Book Reviews for hosting this weekly meme!
And thank you for visiting me here at The Windy Pages. 
It’s Saturday and you know what that means! Time to satisfy that sugar tooth!

Let’s get on with it!

My Shelf Candy for today is:

Tris & Izzie by Mette Ivie Harrison
Synopsis can be found here

I haven’t read the book yet, and have heard mixed things about it. But for one moment, let’s appreciate the beauty that is this cover.
The petals gently falling, the old fashioned row boat on the lake. A beautiful girl, the boy’s face hidden. The soft colors and the blurry reflection of the water.
I love the blue/green of the title and the warm orange of the author’s name. Simply gorgeous!

This cover screams romance.
And while I’m afraid it may not live up to its expectations, the cover alone had me enthralled. 
So that should count for something!

Have you read it? What did you think?