Title: The Demon Lover

Author: Juliet Dark

Publisher: Random House

Publication Date: December 2011

Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book One
Synopsis can be found here.

Netgalley review.


Callie McFay accepts a teaching position in upstate New York at Fairwick College. While going on the interview, she is drawn to an old Victorian house that stands on the edge of the woods. Soon, she finds herself buying the house and settling down there, eagerly anticipating the start of the semester. But something is a bit off- with the house, the town, her co-workers and the dreams she’s having at night.

I started reading this book over the holiday season and it took me a while to finish it. Not because I wasn’t enjoying it but because life and holiday shopping got in the way. But everytime I had even a second to spare, I’d pull out The Demon Lover and fall back into this mysterious town and Callie’s awakening into this unknown world.

Callie is a strong and entirely human character. She can be jealous and short on temper, and I like that about her! She’s intelligent and a strong female character, even when paranormal things are happening to her.
I don’t want to spoil anything so let me just say the romantic lead is very hot. And there are some very steamy scenes through the book. It took me a while to figure out who the romantic lead would turn out to be!

All of the secondary characters were fun, but I found they started to blend together a bit. Especially in the middle of the book. There were so many story lines going on, I wasn’t sure where the book was going for a while, but it did regain it’s footing.

Overall, The Demon Lover is a sexy, easy read with romance, mystery and enough otherworldly characters to keep it interesting. I’m excited to see how this series develops.

Rating 8 Cookie Worthy