18949109Title: When You Are Mine

Author: Kennedy Ryan

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

Publication Date: June 2014

Genre: Adult/Romance

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book One




Synopsis can be found here.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.



Kerris has had a hard upbringing so her heart feels a kindred spirit in Cam. Soon he’s proposing. She should be happy. Enter Walsh, Cam’s best friend. Cam should be everything Kerris wants, but the passion she feels for Walsh is hard to ignore. And he can’t stop thinking about her either.

I don’t know how to review this title. On one hand, it was an easy breezy read. Ryan does a great job really throwing the reader into Kerri’s position where she knows she is supposed to love and marry Cam, he is so similar to her. But she can’t help but open herself up to Walsh, and be drawn to him. It’s nice to have two main love interests that are very different but equally solid leads.

That said, it does drag. They are always trying to avoid each other, but then seek each other out. There are some sad and hard topics from both Kerris and Cam’s past that are touched upon, leaving the reader to really fight with who Kerris should be with. (Kinda.) The chemistry between Kerris and Walsh is luke warm and anything between Kerris and Cam is nonexistent. And what annoyed me most of all is – Kerris. She does flip flop a lot, trying to rationalize her relationship with Cam and her feelings for Walsh.

And then it’s part of a series and it’s not even wrapped up at the end of the book!

So while I did like the suspense (who will she end up with), by the end I was more annoyed that after all that, she hadn’t picked someone yet! I don’t think I’ll read the second book.

Rating 5 Okay