Title: The Stranger

Author: Kyra Davis

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Publication Date: January 2013

Genre: Adult Romance

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book One

Synopsis can be found here.
NetGalley review.


Kasie Fitzgerald thinks she knows who she is. She’s put together, smart, conservative and a little uptight. So she’s surprised to find herself in a tight, short and rocking dress in Las Vegas, eyeing a man at the blackjack table and hoping for some sex with a stranger. A night to remember and Kasie is out the door and back at her boring job, her polished suits and her bland but loving vanilla boyfriend. That is until Mr. Stranger turns up at her work, as her new client, and asking for more of her. More Kasie. And Kasie is torn between the perfectly crafted her and the open and free young woman waiting to burst out.

A quick read, Kasie is a woman with an identity crisis. She’s not sure who she wants to be, or who she really is. She picks the safe choices and makes one very big mistake in Vegas. Or is it a mistake at all? Fun and free Kasie is way more interesting than uptight Kasie. I am not a fan of romantic leads cheating on their significant others, and I think Davis did a really good job at trying to make Kasie’s boyfriend Dave as “not right” as possible.

I have a little bit of a problem with Robert. Sure, he’s handsome, wealthy and good in bed. But I have a hard time knowing his real intentions with kasie. Maybe it’s supposed to be obvious, but like Kasie points out- why does he really want her? What is he really doing with her? Sure, I like Kasie, but besides this huge sexual connection, I didn’t really feel their connection on a higher level. I hope book two explores Robert more, making him into a deeper character and not just a sexual being.

The hot steamy scenes are HOT AND STEAMY! What more can you ask for? And the ending is a cliffhanger. It was quick read and I have to say I was totally disappointed that the story ended when it did. I will definitely be reading the second book!

Rating 7 Pretty Cool, Would Recommend.