23280203Title: The Scoundrel and the Debutante

Author: Julia London

Publisher: Harlequin Books

Publication Date: April 2015

Genre: Adult Fiction/Historical Romance

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book Three



Synopsis can be found here.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.




Prudence Cabot, third sister of the Cabot sisters, seeks adventure! And might find a scoundrel along the way…

Fans of Julia London may want to try this third book in the series. You don’t have to start at the beginning of the series. London does a good job of describing the events in enough detail so the Cabot sister’s position is clear, without giving too much away that the reader won’t be able to enjoy the books before.

Pru seemed a little annoying to me. I like how she wanted to find adventure and took it into her own hands to find it. But she seemed so ill prepared and immature, not really thinking about the consequences of her actions. I’m not even talking about the reputation or her family’s reactions. I mean just by doing silly things that might have ended much worse or her in danger. I’m not a fan of silly characters and sadly, Pru was a bit too silly for me to really love her.

Roan is her handsome yet misunderstood American. He’s passionate and just happens to be heir to a large lumber company. As far as romantic heroes go, he is your typical alpha male. I liked that he’s American and not totally used to English customs or pronunciations. There is a great deal of humor in dialogue between Roan and Pru and anyone trying to understand Roan’s accent.

The story moves quickly, but some of it seems a bit forced as Pru hurls herself into unfortunate situations where Roan feels the need to protect her.

I read it fast because I wanted to know what happened. But I wasn’t really connecting to either of the characters or the story. It felt a little unoriginal to me, not magical or romantic at all. I was disappointed.

Overall, this installment wasn’t for me.

Rating 4 Not My Cup Of Tea