22357746Title: The Queen

Author: Tiffany Reisz

Publisher: Harlequin MIRA

Publication Date: October 2015

Genre: Adult Fiction/Erotica

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book 4 The Red Years




Synopsis can be found here.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.




The White Years is the four prequel books before The Red Years in the Original Sinners series by Tiffany Reisz. The White Years tells the story of Nora and how she became Nora from Eleanor.

It has been a fun ride.

The last book has us watching Eleanor complete her transformation from Soren’s submissive to Mistress Nora, Dominatrix Queen. Reading one of these books is like slipping into your favorite sexy dress – you remember how it made you feel perfectly. And you just might have to buy it a drink.

I liked Eleanor’s transformation into Nora and how her and Soren’s relationship developed after the blowout of the last few books. She becomes stronger, more confident and above all, a master in her own realm. Lucky for us, The Queen is exactly what it should be – Nora’s story come full circle to when The Siren (the first book in the series, and the first book in The Red Years).

Everyone appears, even briefly. And a new foe adds some mystery and danger for Nora and King. I liked the dynamic with this Milady, and how Nora handles her.

That said, of course there is a lot of hot and steamy scenes. A couple of them made me blush. But perhaps I’ve grown desensitized to some of it because I found myself skimming some of the sexy bits to get back to the story. Something Reisz does exceptionally well – making her characters and plot every bit as enticing as the erotica writing you picked the book up for. This was one of those books and while I appreciated the fun sexy time, I found myself gravitating towards the scenes with character development and plot motion.

Overall, The Queen is a great 4th book in The White Years, book 8 in the Original Sinner series.

If you start at the beginning and keep going, you won’t be disappointed.

Rating 8 Cookie Worthy