13533650Title: The Assassin’s Curse

Author: Cassandra Rose Clarke

Publisher: Strange Chemistry

Publication Date: October 2012

Genre: Young Adult Fiction/Fantasy

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book One

Synopsis can be found here.
I received this book free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.



Ananna flees her arranged marriage to a handsome fellow pirate, but finds herself stalked. Naji is an assassin, sent to kill her for running away from her wedding by her fiance’s family. But when she saves his life, he is bound to save hers. And thus they begin a mission to break Naji’s impossible curse.

Adventure ahoy!

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I finally opened The Assassin’s Curse. I was initially drawn to the beautiful cover, and the synopsis of pirates and magic! But of course, things get in the way and this book was pushed farther an farther back in the pile. I’m so sorry that happened and I wish I had read it sooner! (Though I’m also glad I didn’t because I can dive right into book two because it came out in June!)

Ananna is a unique and fun voice, filled with passion, stubbornness and fire. She is a fully formed character for me, all of her actions and thoughts coincided to who I think she is. I loved her brash talking and bravery. She is one of my favorite heroines I have met all year.

Naji is the strong and silent type. He’s hard to read and I love his hidden depths for an assassin. He’s not a cold blooded killer. Well, I mean, he is a cold blooded killer, but he’s more. Most of all, I really loved the way their relationship grew. It felt completely natural, all of these conflicting feelings and sure, can you blame Ananna not trusting this guy who was sent to kill her? Can you blame Naji for slowly realizing that he may have more than he can handle in Ananna?

Terribly creative, this book soared into my imagination. I read it slowly, not to miss a word. There is magic and desserts, pirates and oceans, islands and assassins. Who can beat that??

I have to go now. I have to dive into book two.

Rating 9 Ridiculously Awesome like Cookies and Ice Cream