18081809Title: Landline

Author: Rainbow Rowell

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Publication Date: July 2014

Genre: Adult Fiction/Contemporary

Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone



Synopsis can be found here.
I purchased this book.

You can read my interview with Rainbow Rowell here. (When E&P came out)



Georgie McCool loves her husband Neal, and Neal loves her. But she still knows her marriage is in trouble when Neal takes the kids to his mother’s house for Christmas, leaving Georgie behind to work on her “big break”. Suddenly alone, Georgie is surprised to discover her mother’s old landline phone is a way to communicate with Neal- Neal in the past that is.

Is she supposed to change her future and fix her and Neal? Or maybe stop them from ever getting together in the first place?

Love. Rainbow Rowell does it again- writing a gripping, emotional and truthful story about life, love and all of the grey area between. Georgie is a sweet if not confused character, focused on her career and her job, ambitious and maybe having slightly gone off the rails. Neal is sweet and lovable, trying very hard to be supportive while taking care of their children. He’s also quiet, neglected.

I love their relationship because it seems so real. How after so many years, even loving someone takes work. Marriage takes work. And the sacrifices people make on a daily basis can become assumed and taken for granted. I love how love wasn’t the issue; it’s clear Georgie loves her family and Neal and he loves her. The challenges are from the outside world, from their own ambitions, from time.

The story unfolds slowly, sweetly. Rowell does a magnificent job of choosing the exact words, clear and perfect, to get her characters’ emotions across in a clean and direct to the heart way. I love the way Georgie speaks to past Neal, how she changes into her younger self, and how we can hear a younger, braver Neal. It’s easy to see how these two fell in love, wanted to conquer the world together. It’s easy to see how even the strongest bonds can grow apart. There are many funny, quirky and clever dialogue lines between these two. I felt like I was listening in on a conversation in secret.

Overall, Landline is a stellar novel that I tend to open up again and again, reading favorite lines or whole chapters, revisiting Georgie and Neal. It’s one of my favorite reads this year. But really, it’s from Rainbow Rowell. So I didn’t expect any less.

RatingĀ 9 Ridiculously Awesome like Cookies and Ice Cream