16181630Title: Lady Thief

Author: A.C. Gaughen

Publisher: Walker Children’s

Publication Date: February 2014

Genre: Young Adult Fiction/Fantasy

Series or Stand Alone: Series, Book Two


Synopsis can be found here.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.



Scarlet’s future is uncertain. Hunted by her Gisbourne and hidden among the forest, Scarlet must come out to face her past to save those she loves. But if she thinks Gisbourne was evil, she hasn’t seen true evil yet. It comes in the form of Prince John, who has his own game plan. And will stop at nothing to destroy those who stand in his way.

I loved Scarlet, the first book in the series and was so excited to learn that it would be a trilogy. While some sequels have middle book syndrome, Lady Thief grabs your hand and keeps you swinging through romance, adventure and intrigue.

Scarlet’s character is still tough, brash and full of fight. I love that about her. Even when faced with impossible choices, Scarlet doesn’t run. She rises to the challenge. I felt very scared for her in some of the situations Gaughen puts her in, adding to the tension and stress that builds to a crazy climax at the end of the book. She’s a true hero, loyal and beloved. Slowly, Scarlet exposes her belly, her intimate and most vulnerable parts leaving the reader with a reminder that Scarlet, while kick ass and brave, is still just a girl.

Robin is in a bad spot. Of course you love Robin. Everyone loves Robin. Of course he’s the hero. But after the events in the first book, Robin is broken. And not even Scarlet can help. I really enjoyed Robin’s dive into the dark side, his personal demons and his own inner struggles. It’ so easy to write Robin as the perfect hero, but I tend to love these types of characters more – grayed and tortured and broken, but still yearning for hope and redemption.

The band is back, with hotheaded Robin still in the lead. Much is the voice of reason while big, teddybear John’s character takes a different turn. Allan Dale is introduced and no book can be complete with the evil that is Gisbourne. For a while there, I thought his character and the plot would move in a certain direction, but thankfully Gaughen surprised me and it took a turn. Prince John’s tyrannical reign is ghastly and no one is left unharmed.

Bravo Ms. Gaughen for being brave and showing pain and real sacrifice in this story. It left me breathless.

The stakes were raised so high, I have no idea what is going to happen in the third book.

Overall, Lady Thief is a wonderfully strong and mesmerizing sequel.

Rating 8 Cookie Worthy