Title: Compass South

Author: Hope Larson; Illustrator Rebecca Mock

Publisher: First Second Books

Publication Date: June 2016

Genre: Graphic Novel/Young Adult

Series or Stand Alone: Series Book One

Synopsis can be found here.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

With their father missing, Cleo and Alex come up with a scheme when they see in the paper a man looking for his lost red haired twins, two boys. Cleo cuts her hair and the two embark on a big adventure, with pirates chasing them as well as the leader of their old gang. They run across another set of red haired twins looking to claim the same prize. Can they be trusted?

So much fun. This first book is about Cleo and Alex escaping their old lives and starting fresh as they believe their father Mr. Dodge is dead having left them so long ago and not being heard of again. I liked how this story was filled with adventure. It was really interesting to see Cleo and Alex away from each other. It gave me a good sense of understanding who they are as characters, especially in how they related to the other twin that they were thrown together with.

I also really liked the intrigue of the story. What is so special about the compass and the knife? Who is after them? Where did their father go? It took me a few sittings to read this as I savored every page, enjoying the art work and dialogue and how the story unfolded. I think lots of people will enjoy this book. It’s so much fun for all ages!

It’s the promising beginning to a very good series. I have the sequel to read now for review and I’m really looking forward to it. I only hope that the third one comes out soon and the second doesn’t end on a cliffhanger!