17571907Title: Bellman & Black

Author: Diane Setterfield

Publisher: Simon & Shuster

Publication Date: November 2013

Genre: Adult Fiction/Horror

Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone


Synopsis can be found here.
This audiobook was given to me for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.



From a young age, William Bellman knows the meaning of hard work and enterprise. His mind is never still, his ambitions always climbing him higher. But can an event from his past, a childhood memory, take all of that away? And what will he do to keep it?

I think I am in the minority with Setterfield’s The Thirteenth Tale. I read it when it came out and wasn’t blown away. But the premise of her new book Bellman & Black was so intriguing, I had to give it a shot.

The story begins with William Bellman and a group of friends, out one day with a slingshot and a stone. From that day on, we follow Bellman’s life through his loves, family, successful businesses and most of all, the deaths of those around him. Immediately, I was gripped in the story. Listening to the audiobook on my commute made me happy to spend that time in the car. Happy, I tell you! Now, that’s saying something.

The richness of the story and gentle arc of the plot is well written, weaving the reading in and out of Bellman’s life. The settings, descriptions of the rooks, the mill and eventually the store Bellman & Black, are so beautifully done, I had no problem feeling as if I was right there with them.

I admit, I was disappointed with the ending. After all that life, death, mystery and haunting, I was ready for some big finish. Some final release. The aHa! moment. But instead of an explosion, the ending was a small shrug that left something to be desired.

The audiobook is read by Jack Davenport, who you may recognize from The Pirate’s of the Caribbean films Commodore James Norrington. His artistry really brought the book to new heights. The warmth of his voice, the perfectly chosen inflections and haunting timbre was the perfect pairing for this haunting tale. In fact, if you have before you a chilly winter day and a cup of hot chocolate, I would happily pop in this audiobook just to visit the world again and be comforted by Davenport’s expert voice.

Overall, the book is a mesmerizing tale performed by a fantastic voice actor. I spent many happy hours in the car absorbed in Bellman’s world.

Rating 7 Would Recommend