15751398Title: The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender

Author: Leslye Walton

Publisher: Candlewick Press

Publication Date: March 2014

Genre: Young Adult Fiction/Fantasy

Series or Stand Alone: Stand Alone


Synopsis can be found here.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.



Ava Lavender is born with wings. Large, white feathered wings that tuck behind her back. What this means to her family, her friends and to Ava herself, no one really knows. That is until the Solstice and Nathaniel Sorrows, a man who no one could have predicted.

The story is beautiful. I devoured it. That’s right. DEVOURED. The magical realism from the bakery, to a sister who becomes a bird. There is love and loss and the deep scars left on people when love goes away. My heart went out to each of these characters. So new and fresh and mystical, like a well woven fairy tale that gives you everything from lust to love and evil to hope. 

I should note that this story is probably for older YA readers. There is lust and love, sex and god. There is evil and madness. And magic.

I’m going to read this book again and recommend it to everyone. It Is Just. That. Good.

The writing is lyrical and mesmerizing, drawing the reader in as the fairy tale swirls around them. I love Ava, closeted up in her house like a princess, wishing for the outside world. I love Ava’s family. Emilienne’s story is just as important, filling the first half of the book with her loves and losses, her family and magic. Viviane, Ava’s mother, is fantastically scarred. From her love and her yearning for the boy who broke her heart and her blindness to the one who stands before her every day. I loved all of the characters, rich and filled with love, scars and sadness.

Most of all, I loved the emotional reaction I felt as these characters fumbled with their lives, making stupid mistakes and shallow choices. I was frustrated, on the edge of my seat to find out about Jack and Vivienne. Gabe plagued my reading, lurking in the background like a sturdy hand on your shoulder. I was hopeful to read about Rowe and Ava. And I recoiled when I read about Nathaniel Sorrows. Something in my gut twisted and I just knew, I knew, he was no good.

I couldn’t put it down.

I can’t wait to read it again.

I’m haunted.

Rating 10 One of The Best


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